Your article is a call to reason.
Especially with $300 million and counting! That's one hell of a war chest.
One can only hope that Trump will follow his narcissistic path and spend it on himself.
It's staggering to believe that so many people actually trusted Trump and his spin doctors.
However, trust is the operative word.
It's impossible to build trust in a MSM system, which has betrayed the majority of US citizenry countless times and that's not even getting into the millennials who don't even watch it.
On the international scene, from the Gulf of Tonkin to the invasions of Panama and Grenada and two Iraqi Wars to say nothing of 9-11, most of MSM went along with the 'official narrative' and billions if not trillions were squandered and millions of lives have paid for it.
And those are just examples of which we are somewhat more aware.
On the domestic scene, the FBI spied on MLK Jr., infiltrated social movements, sent in provocateurs to discredit them, and while MSM did try to highlight the injustices, and for sure, CBS's Walter Cronkite signalled the end of the Democrat's version of the Vietnam War, that was 53 years ago.
There is no longer any single voice out there which can speak for sanity.
To make matters worse, digital 'news' started to overtake the MSM, making it even more difficult to reach out to those angry and disenfranchised and ignored, to pursue a common thread based on 'facts'.
Don't get me wrong, I am no apologist for the likes of Trump or Jones or Faux-Fox News.
What is needed is to speak truth to power on both sides of the political spectrum, even in the face of a political correctness which demands reverence to its orthodoxy and brands any contrarian perspective as a heresy worthy of perpetual cancelling banishment: the Trumpian equivalent of 'You're Fired!'
I've only heard one voice from CNN who alluded to the bad reputation of MSM. That was Chris Cuomo.
What's needed?
Truth and reconciliation, which begins with a mea culpa, an apology and contrition.
Here's where we lied to you, spun the story or suppressed the truth and why.
We are sorry. We will no longer be a mouthpiece for war, neither for unconscionable power nor profit.
We will no longer give a Hillary Clinton or any other politician the questions to a debate before it begins like, "Brazile admitted to forwarding debate questions to Clinton's campaign during the 2016 Democratic primary, while she was Vice Chair of the DNC and working as a CNN commentator."
Such a galling hypocrisy, such an arrogant conspiracy at the top by three women running the DNC, who arguably gave the US and the world a Trump in the first place, cannot be tolerated.
Statements must be issued. "You were right to be angry and distrustful... we betrayed you and...oh yeah...over here."
Here's how we are going to atone.
It would be just as foolhardy to take comfort in the effete argument that every complaint or request or outrage is based on a 'conspiracy theory' as it would be to give credence to a slogan which purports to be 'The Most Trusted Name in News' or Fox News': "Standing Up For What's Right"
Not every Republican who voted for Trump is an ill-educated white power conspiracy-theory-brain-addled racist.
IOW, there was a confidence gap and the far right gladly filled it.
Trump, whilst giving speeches predicated on prevarication, actually gave his base an enemy as well as hope. Empty promises of course, but hope nonetheless.
The US and the Biden Presidency cannot afford themselves the luxury of viewing the average citizen's request for empirical data to be automatically relegated to the lunatic fringe. That stance would mean that he or she is no longer living in a democracy.
Truth and reconciliation...otherwise, the war you envision will indeed happen.