Wow, so most Jews emigrating to Palestine were benign and peace loving, and hard-working enough to, I suppose by your logic, 'make the desert bloom' and engender Arab jealousy.
Then why the need to assassinate mediators like Folke Bernadotte, Palestinian mayors or civilians shopping for food in Haifa?
One such instance occurred in 1948 when members of the Jewish underground organization LEHI killed Swedish UN Peace Mediator Count Folke Bernadotte to protest his diplomatic efforts to modify the Palestine partition plan.
Why the need to destroy close to 530 Palestinian villages and towns post 1948?
Leaving out the heinous activities of terrorist organizations like the Irgun, the Haganah and the Stern Gang/Lehi, to say nothing of the IDF, makes your article the work of an apologist rather than that of a serious scholar.