Your article evokes "Hamlet":
"Brevity is the soul of wit."
Whether busy knitting at the foot of the guillotine, or sitting back after pressing 'send' to watch another poor wretched apostate, heretic, or rapidly branded insurrectionist burn at the digital stake, the virtue signallers are certainly vigilant...and very very busy inculcating a new reign of terror.
Someone tried to warn Robespierre against his excess and forgive the paraphrase:
"Be careful, for soon the very gallows you are busy scaffolding will see your body swing."
One can only hope that writers like you and many others will become bored with this dangerous tedium.
And that enough rhetorical phrases like the one hurled at Sen. Joe McCarthy, "Have You No Sense of Decency?" will replace diatribe with dialogue and return critical thinking to its rightful place.