Why the hell does this interesting and informative and very well written piece have to include such a blatant dose of misandry?
How dare you infer that your condition would have its own acronym because the malaise might have 'interfered with a man's pleasure.'
Stop it. Not only is it an example of entitled 'click baiting' but it's also historical decontextualization.
When male doctors toiled in medical ignorance, a lot of people suffered...not just women.
If you want stats, how about looking into the medical quackery which resulted in millions upon millions of baby boys being needlessly circumcised, often to satisfy bronze age tribal superstition: Muslims and Jews both STILL ritualistically mutilate their sons' reproductive organs.
Or the countless millions who had their tonsils senselessly removed because doctors didn't make the connection between smoking parents and poor ventilation or smog.
I wanted to enjoy your writing style, and did, but the title left me bereft of the normal feelings I have when captivated by a well written story.