Daryl Wakeham
1 min readOct 6, 2021


What's next with this kind of absolutist over-generalizing dogmatic labelling?

Others ignoring the same high road of humanism by coming up with their own derogatory labels?

1. The Excoriator: AKA - - The High Priest of Virtue, The Judge, The Jury and The Executioner:

This Self-Entitled Equality Warrior...

* rails against decontextualized history in order to ignore the role Quakers and Abolitionists and White Civil Rights Activists played in bringing about real change and also ignore any real gains POC have made in North America since 1865 and 1964.

* claims to want true equality by ironically using dehumanizing and therefore minimizing labels once used against slaves, former slaves and their progeny while ignoring the Paddys (The Irish), the Polacks (The Poles) and The Kikes (the Jews) to name but a few.

* claims to want to educate ignorant white people, sorry, that should be all all white people.

* sees any and all attempts at dialogue as heresy, thereby conveniently and neatly fitting any logical or historical contradictory narratives into previous label categories. Uses You Troll, You Karen, You White Privilege Racist as nice way to silence dissent.

This kind of writing will do nothing to bring about anything equal, fair or democratic...it will only further more and more people into the tribalist arms of those who are indeed real racists.

Is that what you really want?



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