What, men are suddenly allies?
Men need to stand up and actually say something?
Please, you have inanely blamed men for every single thing wrong in the world and now you want their help?
How many women are pro-life?
What’s next?
Excusing those pro-life women as being victims of the patriarchy and religious indoctrination or Republican brainwashing? How many of those women can’t possibly be held responsible for thinking (and voting) the way they do, it’s their men who are at fault!
Poor deluded infantilized women.
Of course it’s a no brainer in terms of a woman’s right to choose and if she opts for an abortion, to have the best of medical care.
But don’t ask the very gender you are busy excoriating, hyperventilating with constant tales of male abuse in order to create a divisive climate of fear between the sexes, to suddenly click their ‘toxic masculine’ heels together and blindly obey. Besides, according to you they are too busy with their ‘Rape Culture’.
Men and women need each other. Always have and always will. What percentage of your writing is in praise of men, be they brothers, fathers, husbands, uncles, grandfathers or firemen or first responders et al? (Of course there are women in the last two vocations but hopefully you get the point.)
By constantly presenting women as victims, and never men, you have essentially dismissed men as being unworthy of compassion, they are just so privileged, what could they possibly have to complain about?
When your writing shows that balance, only then should you dare ask for men’s help.