We need to return to the egalitarian form of feminism that I fought for in the 80’s, as it promised true equality.
What is happening now is that new wave feminism is turning women into eternal victims, ever weakened by ‘triggering’ and in constant need of ‘safe rooms’ lest someone tell them something which runs contrary to their unfortunate hyperbolic indoctrination and in the process, offends them.
And by this process, new wave feminism delegitimizes the very real suffering of all abuse victims because the ‘assault’ continuum keeps growing.
For instance, the whole ‘microaggression labelling’.
Heard this from a Christina Hoff Sommers interview with Bill Maher: “A woman said…’Some guy told me that I had nice legs. I felt as if I had been mini-raped.”
Compare that to the victims of Harvey Weinstein or Jeffrey Epstein or Ex-Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick!
New wave feminism is telling women that men are not safe. That even their fathers or brothers or neighbours or male first responders, all I suppose imbued with some degree of toxic masculinity, are therefore potential villains.
It is crippling the image of the bright, articulate ‘strong-as-hell women’ with whom I had the honour to work.
Lastly, new wave feminism purports that women are not fully human and therefore lack a dark side: only men have a dark side and yet ironically all men are degraded, all men are unjustly painted as being the non-human perpetrators of all the sins, and none of the positive gains, made throughout our shared history.
And that’s got nothing to do with equality.
It has everything to do with dividing men from women and who’s going to profit from that?
I don’t know, a Republican President?