Daryl Wakeham
1 min readApr 27, 2022


Want to give a shout out to Frank's post, wherein he wrote:

"Cronkite was prescient enough to realize that the South Vietnamese government was as ruthless and corrupt as their Northern counterparts and never attracted the loyalty of its citizens. "

And that's not even getting into the CIA role in foisting a corrupt group of Generals like Thieu on the South Vietnamese citizenry after Catholic Diem's autocratic and murderous rule over a Bhuddist majority.

For God's sake some monks were immolating themselves in the streets of Saigon in protest!

And let's not forget Tricky Dick's pre-US Presidential election manipulations which should have resulted in charges of treason. He stopped a Peace Accord which would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

When a Candidate Conspired With a Foreign Power to Win An ...https://www.politico.com › story › 2017/08/06 › nixon-...

Aug 6, 2017 — The Nixon campaign's sabotage of Johnson's peace process was successful. Nine days later, Thieu's decision to boycott the talks headlined The ...



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