Um, I didn't write the article, Y Yue did. And while she may have not articulated what I said, I stand by my words, perhaps too often repeated...thank you for pointing out my dogma.
The world is not fair but the Western World has made significant strides to change that since we used our best, and our scientists' best, to expeditiously annihilate millions a scant 80 years ago during WW II.
As teacher, as counsellor and as human being I've tried to increase those strides.
As a young man, I marched with my colleagues to protest the Christian Right's takeover of our local hospital board, when they outlawed abortions, way back in 1982. I believed in egalatarian feminism, still do.
As English teacher, I tried to inculcate the value of critical thinking for decades.
As a counsellor, I fought the they institutional, be they parents or fellow students or teachers.
So when I see critical thinking, and the value in perseverence and rising above difficulties through resilency being cast out in the name of political correctness or virtue signalling and empowered victimhood, I'll speak out because not only have I earned that right but because I also still live in a democracy.
But trotting out my adage as wedge?