Um, cancel culture is no myth, especially with some but not all corporations responding to such calls for job loss/banishment after a mob rule labelling of transphobia. Netflix an outlier on this however.
And as JK Rowling can probably attest, death threats are an attempt at exerting power.
By power I mean the establishment of an orthodoxy, a creed which essentially means that any challenge to said dogma automatically means a branding.
A challenge can come in the form of a request for dialogue or in the form of fear-based hatred, or even as you opine, in the form of a repressed sexuality.
It doesn’t mean that one should not be offended, especially if the joke is a punch down. Never appreciated that kind of humour.
However, Bill Maher’s admittedly sardonic delivery was not a punch down.
Rather it was a call to reason and a need for exploration as to the dramatic increase of diagnosis…a number far beyond what a welcoming embrace/ atmosphere of acceptance would normally bring about.
IOW, not all forays into what should be a dialogue concerning the perceived transgender world are worthy of a pejorative response.
Could you please elucidate the laws being passed, in Western Nations, to target transgender people?
Not sure that washrooms are a valid targeting but I could be wrong, as I have been countless times. Still haven’t made up my mind on that one.
The questions regarding transgender athletes competing with non-transgender ones is not an example of restrictive laws targeting transgender people. Especially if it comes down to virtue signalling inclusion rather than biological advantage.
I am thinking laws which prohibit job opportunity, university acceptance or legal representation or even worse, removal of a citizen’s rights, contrary to those guaranteed in a Constitution, such as we have in Canada and the US.
I am well aware of Russia’s inane restrictive LGBTQ legislation to say nothing of the bigoted capital punishment and bloodthirsty extremism in some religious fundamentalist countries like Iran.
But since this was about three Western comedians, perhaps you could help me get a better grasp of these restrictive laws by concentrating on the West?