Member-only story
Trump as Troll
Many of our members, formerly known as The Mythical Librarians, under the torchlights of truth in our version of the Crystal Caves, have flippiantly argued that Donald Trump is more Troll than Vampire. All without apologies to the Grimm brothers or Bram Stoker or for that matter to Grendel and Dracula, to say nothing of those whose vocation is earned by spreading mistruths across the internet.
And while yes, as Troll, Trump does wait under the societal bridge, makes deals with people to sacrifice their integrity be they smaller Billy Goats Gruff, ‘Aides’ or be they members of Congress or Senators or even citizen neighbours.
Of course, I’ll give my fellow ‘Mythological Allusionists’ that Trump generally thinks that he deserves only the best of the impressionable, the young and the naive.
So in short Trump, like most Trolls, is indeed malevolently ravenous and will lie to get what he wants.
But…then like bad tempered Norse Gods (are there any other kind?), high on a brew of belladonna, magic mushrooms and fly agaric disguised as mead, we start to foam at the mouth and argue when it comes to a less-than-stellar clear mythological allusion.
“But he’s not just a Troll! Listen…,” I implore.
“Of course he’s a Troll,” they interrupt as Greek chorus, “He’s afraid of daylight…you know, duhhhhh…like…