Touche to Rogue and sorry Laura but...
Asking questions...of science or psychology or trans or LGPQ+2 people, or GP's, or Big Pharma or Psychiatry does not make one phobic.
Phobia is of course an irrational fear.
The signs of which are?
* a fear of fainting
* a fear of losing control
* a fear of dying
* feeling out of touch with reality, or detached from your body – known as dissociation.
* a pounding heart, palpitations or accelerated heart rate
* chest pain or tightness in the chest
* hot or cold flushes
* shortness of breath or a smothering sensation
* nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea
However, some in the trans-community, whose members must be on a healthy continuum, has managed to inculcate a dogma, with often a self-anointed clergy acting not unlike the Inquisition.
Some are willing to banish, then brand, just about anyone daring to ask a question, with a puritanical scarlet letter, be it a H for heretic, a B for bigot or the biggest one of all: a T for transphobic.
No one should really give a rat's patootie what adults do with their bodies. It's no one's business.
But if under the name of inclusion, children are recommended to take puberty inhibiting drugs, with no real idea how these 'medications' will affect a child's short and long-term development, then of course there will be push back and a deserved lot of questions.
It is not phobic to mistrust Big Pharma...indeed, some might recommend that it is prudent.
It is not phobic to ask if a social contagion is at work by looking at hard data, as recently did the socialist government of Sweden, which found that from 2008 until 2018. a 240% plus increase in gender-dysphoria diagnoses in boys, and a whopping 1500% increase in girls,
"According to the Swedish health authority, the trend is particularly visible among 13- to 17-year-olds assigned female at birth, with an increase of 1,500 per cent between 2008 and 2018."
It is also not phobic to suggest that surgery/medications be held off until a child is at least of age and their brains are more fully developed.
And Sweden is not alone:
"Finland, which recently passed a new law allowing trans people to change their legal gender with a simple declaration, restricted hormone therapy for minors in 2020. "
"France followed suit by calling for "the utmost reserve" on hormone treatments for young people."
By labelling all who simply wish to ask questions as 'bigoted transphobes' is hyperbole, hyperbole meant to still dialogue and place those who wish it so above reproach.
And that's not healthy for anyone.