Took guts to write that Judson.
"MSNBC and CNN have had much coverage of the trial, but seem to push the narrative that it was going well for the prosecutor, leaving out the instances when it was not."
I would alternate between CNN and then the CBC and then, controlling the retch factor, Fox. Then I"d go to MSNBC.
You're right, the overarching narratives were so diverse as to make me opine out loud, 'are we talking about the same trial?'
Even worse, it shows the huge political abyss yawning ever wider in America. Such seething undercurrents of violence in another country would have open commentaires on the upcoming civil war.
* The questioning of a judge's impartiality, claiming him to be a MAGA supporter when his reputation as a non-nonsense judge preceded him. This questioning of the US judicial system, to say nothing of the electoral process, is further evidence of a breakdown of institutional trust and descension into the taking of sides...right or wrong.
* Its so tribal that the process is no longer seen as the prize. It has become "We know he's guilty, give us his head! " versus "We know Black looters were not prosecuted and Kyle Rittenhouse did what we all wish we could do."
* Even more nauseating? The gleeful commentaries regarding his breakdown on the stand.
* The feeding social media mob often opining that Kyle's 'theatrical sobbing' was what happens when white privilege has to face the reality of what most Black folks have to when charged with gun crime: the tears of his self-pity proof of his white fragility.
* The only reason Kyle Rittenhouse is getting a more fair trial is because he didn't shoot any Black people.
* If indeed there is rioting in the streets over the verdict, as the calling out of the National Guard perhaps indicate, it will be once again fill the streets with children "...playing with tools and ideas too grand in scale for them to ever comprehend."
And doesn't that all describe the beginnings of a civil war?