The Emperor of Woke has no 'clothes of cogency' and it would seem that sharing the parade with him is the equally vacuous Empress Xeno.
But I digress.
As a child, I often wondered about the Amercian Marine's Hymn lines:
"From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli..."
"Why the shores of Tripoli? Isn't that in Lybia, dearest Grand Papa?"
"Why yes, it is. And the U.S. Marines landed there in 1804 because...?"
"...because the Barbary Coast Pirates had a holding centre for slaves...mostly WHITE slaves.
"Good Child.! Here's a buscuit."
"The Ottoman slave trade involved around 18,000 people a year for centuries and the Barbary Coast pirates were slaving the Western Mediterranean and Northern Europe."
One only need look at the sack of Balitmore, Ireland for the proof of white slavery:
Your points are well taken but as it is with most 'isms', selective history is not history at all. Hello Dogma!
Rather, while busy with the beatification of those with a certain skin colour, and pointing out the transgenerational sins of 'the oppressing others', many adherents blindly and blithely if not intentionally ignore the historical imperfections in all cultures.
And also ignore the efforts of many cultures to end slavery.
Yes, Saudi Arabia was a tad late to humanist table: they only got around to banning slavery in 1963.
Even later?
"In 1981, Mauritania became the last country in the world to abolish slavery."
Must not tell that to China's Uyghurs.
But back to your piece.
'Balance' to the maxim-spouting and table-thumping Emperor and Empress is nothing short of impudent heresy.
But god damn it, it is imperative, even if they string you up by yer little fish-eating beak to the high heavens.
Of solace, I'll collect the mandrake root from under your swinging carcass.
It is after all good for relieving constipation, an apt metaphor don't you think?