That’s the problem with overt over-generalizations when you don’t like the message and leap to incredible conclusions.
You see, I marched with many of my colleagues way back in 1982 to our local hospital, Royal Inland Hospital, when its board was advocating a ban on abortions — when it was facing a near takeover by the evangelical Alliance Church.
We all lost a day’s pay but it was worth it as the ban was overturned.
I helped set up harassment protocols (we called it conflict-resolution then but for sure sexual harassment was part of the package) with some of the strongest people I had the honour and privilege with whom to work: the vast majority were women.
When I changed cities, I repeated the process with new colleagues, and again the majority were women: strong, intelligent and fully assured of their femininity. They were not into blaming one gender over the other.
Blame and shame levelled at any person is toxic.
So Ms. Frusinoiu, of whom should I be afraid?
People who like to use ‘real men’ to threaten others?