Should also add:
Millions of boys since the early 1970’s were unnecessarily ‘drugged’ into compliance after being erroneously diagnosed and labelled ADD or ADHD.
Most of the abuse was and still is being brought about through three levels of complicity: Big Pharma, the Psycho-therapeutic community and feminist-dominated education philosophy, one which basically opined(s) that boys are a debilitating force keeping girls from reaching their educational potential.
Imagine! Using amphetamines as a performance enhancer without caring a whit about the long term effects ‘speed’ has on a child’s developing brain!
The Drugging of the American Boy — Esquire
Add in the horrific mid-1980's-early 90’s ‘moral panic’ (the so-called memory wars) brought about by the pseudo-scientific self-help community with their discredited ‘repressed memory syndrome’, wherein hundreds of men were subjected to imprisonment and you will have, as Ms. Medlock opines, a lot of men who will vote out of resentment rather than out of logic: the overriding need to depose Trump!
Finally, even though it was imperative to bring down the likes of Harvey Weinstein and others of his sorry ilk, with the latest #hashtag public shaming of all men, essentially dividing men from women, a ‘leader’ like Trump just very well might get re-elected.
As to gender and world leadership: I just read about a bombing mission gone awry in Libya and of continuing humanitarian disasters in Syria.
While Obama ultimately called the shots to bomb Libya and not help Syria with its drought in 2008, it was Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State who opted for further war and destabilization and chaos in the Arab/Muslim world.
So, not all women will do a great job just because of their gender.
Hillary’s War Crime | Foreign Policy Journal
Oct 24, 2016 — Hillary Clinton was a key architect of the disastrous NATO intervention in Libya and is a war criminal under international law. Today, October 20 .
Syria: Appeal for Drought Aid — The New York Times
Oct 3, 2008
In this humble Canadian’s perspective, I can only hope that whoever gets the Democratic Party’s nod should NOT be appointed because of gender or age or race but because he or she has what it takes to bring down a potential dictator in the making.