Daryl Wakeham
Oct 23, 2021



Egads, The Lucifer Effect and a real live Satanist...the Christians on my Board would have demanded my crucifixion. Kudos for your courage.

As to how to make a change.

My University Alumnus regularly contacts me, wondering about my aging demographic and its plans for leaving vast sums to SFU.

Since they know that I was the executor of their famed Canadian Lit' Professor and Editor, Gordon Elliott, and that the majority of his estate was bequeathed to another University, and the rest to me, I do have a little sway.

What I tell them is that I have no heirs. That I am planning on leaving some of my estate to them. But that I may not if SFU continues to erode academic rigour, free and open debate and scholastic integrity.

I remind them at least once a year.



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