Had this incredibly bright class of English 11 AP students in 2008.
Offered them my Coles Notes version of Orwell's 1984 if they would, in groups, investigate 9-11.
And then make presentations based on Orwell's oxymoronic Ministry of Truth.
One group did the Pentagon, another Twin Towers 1 and 2, another the WTC 7 collapse and finally another Pennsylvania Crash Flight 93.
Since this was an end-of-year assignment, there would be no marks, it was to be done to prepare them for University level seminars: it was to be for themselves I directed.
Of course I wanted their work to not include the bias of appealing to their teacher for marks.
Little did I know that two of my students' fathers were Jet Airline pilots.
Included in their presentation were the films of their fathers' trying to replicate the Boeing 757-200' 9-11 manoeuvres on flight simulators.
Each and every time, the alarm bells were ringing and the wings fell off.
None of my students knew about WTC Building 7's 47-storey tall free-fall collapse.
Their presentation was mind numbing. None of the usual debating attacks occurred.
The class was silent.
Perhaps, dare I suggest that you engage in a little research, like a 16-17 year old with nothing but an open mind, and see what you come up with.