Remember taking this good psychology course wherein we studied correlative arguments surrounding birth trauma and sociopatheic behavior.
The counter narrative was that it was trauma-based: because of systemic abuse.
Narcissistic personality disorder and other comorbidities were the result.
Then the sordid truth emerged when reliable data was finally accumulated: fully 1% of our species are pychopathic and in Canada, 25% of those in prision.
And of course figures of around 3–4% have been cited for more senior positions in business and in politics.
So 1 out of every 100 people lacks empathy, they are "...dishonest, manipulative, or egocentric and display callousness, impulsivity, irresponsibility and antisocial criminality."
That means that vigilance has to be the operative word before more covert sophistication takes over and they learn to hide: Bundy was apparently charming.
The neighbourhood bully who lacks compassion. The cat killer or dog poisoner...the kid who pulls wings off insects or inflicts pain on others.
How to be vigilant enough to spot them?
It will cost money to protect society from the 1%.
Reduce classroom size in Primary and Elementary Schools so teachers can more easily monitor their students.
Train and hire elementary school pyschologists to assist teachers.
Educate children and parents on how to spot and report the behaviors of the sociopaths amongst them, even if it means having to report one's own child.
Of course this has to be carefully done as witch hunts and false accusations can take a toll on the wrongfully diagnosed and labelled.
Lastly, in terms of treatment?
Recidivism rates among psychopaths is incredibly high. Incarceration is of course one method: people in prison can only visit their illness upon themselves or other prisoners.
Or invest in providing treatment in safe institutions.
Another would be to try alternate therapies like MDMA or Psilocybin or Peyote or especially Auyhausca, for those whose psychopathy is a result of PTSD or other systemic traumas.
Indeed, the Canadian military is trying MDMA and Psilocybin to treat our soldiers, especially who returned from combat in Afghanistan.
As for the Bundys of the world?
Lock them up.
Executing them is a literal 'get out of jail free' card and the state should not be the ministers of death.
However, being out in society is a privilege, not a right. And lamentably, those that inflict damage to society need to lose that privilege.