'No person is not a part of their time, even if they think they're not, they are.' Author Unknown...to me.
The danger in the current 'cancel-culture' mania is that in the rush to virtue signal, concepts like contextualization or intellectual integrity are just silly polysyllabic words thwarting the need for the catharsis which comes from pressing send.
It has all the feel and lack of discernment and overreach so appallingly present during the Reign of Terror.
One can only hope that the Cancel Culture mob will have the pleasure of being hoist upon their own petards...their Robespierre moment if you will.
IOW, can't remember who said it but 'Careful, for the rod you are building will soon be used upon your back'...or neck as Robespierre found.
'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished for.'