Daryl Wakeham
2 min readSep 27, 2024


Missing a really really big piece here, Pluralus.

Who or what is at the centre of Palestinian discontent?

It's almost as if some, without a nod to history, actually believe that reactions to Israel's transgressions just suddenly erupted out of some mythical anti-semitic soil.

So to the point.

Many of those dispossessed, of course during the Nakba, some 700,000, many far too many of them civilians:

Where did they go?

Pre-'67 that would be the West Bank, at that time part of Jordan.

When the Israelis started the Six-Day War, much of what is known as The West Bank and East Jerusalem fell to the IDF.

Many of those disposed in the West Bank became more and more enraged that Jordan was doing nothing to help those in the occupied zone.

Those that arose against Jordan's appeasement of the West and Israel, would be the PLO's Black September movement.

Since many of the Palestinians were and remain Hashemites, and King Hussein was also a Sunni - -ergo, the war that broke out was justifiably called a Civil War.

Get it? A civil war.

My point?

Again, who or what is at the centre of Palestinian discontent?

Being ethnically cleansed from their rightful land because England and France, in order to avoid financial ruin because of WW I, promised their land to the Jews in 1916-17.

You'd recognize the protectorate boundaries arbitrarily drawn in the sand as coming from the Balfour Doctrine and the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

And Palestinians had nothing absolutely nothing, despite some ludicrous Netanyahu claims to the contrary, nothing to do with the Holocaust.


So one of the Israeli talking points to justify taking more and more of Palestinian land, and killing thousands, is that wherever Palestinians fled, they spread nation-destroying acts of terrorism.

They wanted what was stolen from them.

Regardless, why be a duplicitous shill for such avarice if you're not going to first do the research necessary to spot prevarication at it is most glaring.

Netanyahu is not the 'bad boy' in all of this.

Rather, he is the symptom of a greater Israel agenda.


Why change Israeli maps to include swaths of the West Bank with Israeli names like Judea and Samaria, and allow some 700,000 illegal settlers to act above both Israeli and international law?



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