Daryl Wakeham
3 min readOct 24, 2021



Not sure why I got your important article so long after you courageously penned it.

I wrote this response to J. Isaac and I apologize for its length:

We started blaming boys for girls' lack of academic achievement in the early 70's and started over-diagnosing boys for ADD and ADHD and drugging them into compliance.

For the majority of elementary school teachers, almost 90% plus female, this was a godsend.

The majority of students who were diagnosed were male and continue to be.

So compelling was the need to swing the pendulum in girls' favour that hardly anyone listened to academics who said that boys learn differently than girls.

Pop psychology jumped on the bandwagon and by the 80's, we had the 'Ophelia Syndrome', another shot at 'how the way boys learn is a disadvantage to girls' and that Secondary School Male Teachers somehow favour boys over girls.

Educators from the School Board on down followed the new creed: girls first, female administrators and more female science teachers, regardless of any level of metriotracy, was to be the new playing field.

Lest we forget:

The academically disgraced and discounted Repressed Memory Syndrome of the 80's and 90's...fueled in part by 'The Courage to Heal' books, which essentially opined that if you feel that something is wrong, it's because you repressed your memory of being sexually abused, almost always by a man .

Tens of thousands of fathers, uncles, grandfathers and brothers were falsely accused and convicted and imprisoned.

Families were irreparably torn asunder and men put into prisons at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Hazard a guess what happened to them?

It took the hard work of Dr. Elizabeth Loftus, a Stanford academic who called this shoddy faux science out for what it was: she called it false memory syndrome.

NO MALE Psychologists dared throw their hats into the ring.

Any apologies from diehard absolutist feminists?


It is no longer allowed as testimony in Canada, but it is still in effect in some US States and indeed many psychologists are of the opinion that the so-called memory wars, which many held was over by the turn of the century, are in fact being resurrected in sexual abuse claims.

Here's what Dr. Loftus said about memory:

"Our representation of the past takes on a living, shifting reality."

It is not fixed and immutable, not a place way back there that is preserved in stone, but a living thing that changes shape, expands, shrinks, and expands again, an amoeba-­like creature.”

By the late 80's and early 90's we had another witch hunt: this time it was Satanic Men and their Female enablers preying on Day School children.

Men and some women imprisoned, reputations sullied and ambitious prosecutors and police vaulted into prominence for protecting our children.

The legal backtrack?

It took years. And once pilliored for pedophila...well, you know how quickly a google search can end a job placement.

The open mocking of men, the legal enshirining of misandry and the new religion based on misandry, are best outlined in feminist authors Katherine K. Young and Paul Nathanson's three scholastically sound books, published in the early to mid-2000's:

Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination against Men.

Sanctifying Misandry: Goddess Ideology and the Fall of Man

Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture

I've read all three.

They are a tough read because they both knew that they would be challenged by the new academic orthodoxy and lamentably, they're a tough read because they are heavily footnoted and annotated...IOW, they are scholastically sound.

Lastly, what proof that misandry exists with often deadly outcomes?

* 98% of workplace fatalities are men

* 93% of prison populations are male

* 75% of opioid deaths are men

* 75% of the homeless are men

* Men receive longer prison sentences for the same crime committed by a woman by 63%

* Men and boys still kill themselves at three times the rate as women.

* Spousal assault cases in most Western jurisdictions that allow unbiased data to be entered, like Sweden, and my Province of British Columbia, are 50-50.

And back to education?

Boys are twice as likely to not graduate from high school as girls.

See something wrong with the above statistics?

Try switching the genders and grab some earplugs to better deal with the deafening virtue signalling enactments that would rapidly follow.

Thanks for writing this piece.



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