Let's see:
You wrote:
Israel was attacked by a barbaric indoctrinated group who serve with hate.
First, using bombs to kill 14,000 children is not barbaric?
Second, guys on motorcycles, against tanks, guys on motorized hang gliders against F-16 jets and Apache helicopters, guys with RPG's versus Hellfire guided missiles.
Oh yeah, guys who trained in open air mockups of Kibbutzim and on motorized hand gilders for a year, and who had their plans Operation Jericho Wall captured by the IDF, somehow got the best of one of the most sophisticated security systems in the world?
Israel needs to protest against either its dull witted Military complacency, or something even more sinister.
Back to the main: how about a dispossessed people, forced into a small portion of what used to be their land for decades, become easy prey for religious fundamentalism?
Who else gives them hope except the extremists.
The UN, which Israel routinely ignores?
The United States? Hardly. The Arab world...not when a nuclear power offers more of what Gaza has suffered.
So Israel reaps what it sows.