Well said.
I think the analogy is apt when one considers that Germany tried to sue for peace in both 1915-1916.
The last broker?
The USA as it did not enter the war until 1917.
Then just after Churchill sacrifices a thousand or more to be sunk on the Lusitania to get the US in the war, along comes the infamous Zimmerman telegram...well, you can read up on that.
So a large segment of the German population, whose sons died, came home dismembered, gassed or psychologically destroyed, had to watch their children starve in the streets of Berlin for a decade while the ' victors' fed on the roaring 20's, fuelled by crippling German war reparations.
So the point I'm trying to make is that a lot of Germans felt betrayed by their Government and the banks and justifiably so.
You know, like a large segment of the US working class population, abandoned by both Democrat and Republican in the Rust Belt...then've got a Trump, right out of a 19th Century Horatio Alger novel...the great man who notices the pluck of the common man and promises a leg up on the horse of wealth.
'Oh look, he notices us in our red caps and will bring us all along when we go West with him. '
Find the common enemy within...'those looting and lawless Black rioters, Antifa and their Liberal woke enablers' (Hitler's disloyal Jews) and an enemy without... China and not Russia (Hitler's threat of International Communism and the burning of the Reichstag--now there's fake news!).
Tis a sad commentary and I wish your thoughts were not so adroit and I fear so prescient.