Just a fact check, I am having trouble finding your comment that the Kenosha police deputized the militia.
What I found was a Facebook call out, asking a large group of people to protect buildings from arson and looting.
IOW, it was a loosely based coalition, in one very dangerous and deadly and incendiary situation, with no chain of command or communication system.
He was not a member of any militia. If he was, then he would most certainly have NOT been left alone.
Any paramilitary organisation provides basic training on the importance of back up.
I did find a video of some cops pulling up and throwing water to open AR-15 carrying individuals...with no clear identification as to who they were.
Found this in the New York Times:
"Law-enforcement officers seemed to have broadly tolerated, and occasionally openly expressed support for, their activities, despite the fact that many of them were violating the same emergency curfew order under which dozens of demonstrators were arrested."
And I found this as to what may have drawn many people to arm themselves and protect businesses:
"He directed me to the footage of the beating outside the Danish Brotherhood Lodge. “This,” he wrote to me in a Facebook message, “was what triggered us citizens that day!”
It's important to make sure the facts are mentioned so that racists can't drive a truck through your important narrative.
IOW, maybe just maybe some people actually did show up to protect businesses from arson and looting and destruction.
Not sure what those activities have to do with protesting. And that was taking place right?
However, as to the two tiered policing system, I go with you and Van Jones last night on CNN,
'If I were to walk down the street with an AR-15, you know what people would say about me? It was good knowing Van Jones."