Daryl Wakeham
2 min readJun 4, 2022


It's called Misandry.

And it's high time that non-egalitarian toxic feminism started learning that word.

It purports that boys, like men, are expendable...because of their gender!

After all, it's their fault their gender inculcated the evil patriarchy.

And the violent consequences of this kind of misandric child abuse are exactly as you listed.

More costs of this?

You're right. The ADD and ADHD over-diagnosis and subsequent prescriptions has harmed children, the vast majority of whom happen to be male...for close to 55 plus years!

What kind of a culture depends on drugs as performance enhancers in order that boys learn more like girls?

A culture that is willing to accept the kind of collateral damage in Buffalo and Uvalde.

How pathetic that North Americans have dropped the ball, a ball put into play in the 1990's by writers such as Micheal Gurion, The Wonder of Boys (96) and A Fine Young Man (99) which recognized that many feminist educator's obsession with helping girls had dramatically failed boys.

Gurian recognized the mitigating work of the Australian government, with its boy's suicide rate, which was at five times that of girls.

What were they doing wrong?

Gurian followed their lead and attempted to reverse what he saw as a dangerous trend.

Not good enough?

Then in 2000, noted feminist Christina Hoff Sommers penned "The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men."

Then two academic Canadian writers, Katherine K. Young and Paul Nathanson, co-authored three very important books:

Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture (2001)

Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination Against Men (2006)

Sanctifying Misandry: Goddess Ideology and the Fall of Man (2010)

The point?

Modern Feminism has relegated the empirical data and voices of reason, such as penned by the above authors, to be the voices of misogynistic writers or enabling 'bad feminists'.

Pity that the forces which seem to run rampant in any 'ism', with its absolutist dogma, has ignored such wisdom...indeed branded it as heresy.

It is the same kind of wisdom in your call to reason for the sake of us all.

Your words remind me of Thom Hartman's book:

Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class - And What We Can Do about It . (2007)

"Here's a bit of wisdom on which ''left'' and ''right'' can easily agree: If you let things go, you'll have to pay for it eventually; and the longer you don't deal with it, the more you'll have to pay.

Wait long enough, and you'll pay dearly-when you could have done the right thing all along and at little cost."

Thank you.



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