Daryl Wakeham
Sep 1, 2024



* Yahweh is a shame-based, apple-trap-setting and cursing God --Eve will have difficulty during childbirth; Adam will suffer toiling for food: both with no expiration date.

* He is bloodthirsty when displeased: he drowns almost all living things and promises fire the next time around.

* He is jealous...which means envy, with a hint of his violent zeal when it comes to his divine competitors...or those who dare to follow them.

* When busy elsewhere, he orders others, like Joshua, to appease his homicidal urges by sacking Jericho and slaughtering every man, woman, child and in a rare moment of egalitarianism, all animals of both genders.

* He's racist, dividing humanity into categories like "Chosen People", raising questions about the non-chosen.

Is it any wonder then, that the followers of such a God are behaving in exactly the same way?



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