"I don't think heartless is the right word."
It's turning oneself numb. And numbness has this bad habit of not just staying around the heart but of spreading.
"Good on ya," as the Aussies say. You no longer wish to be numb.
I only caught your writing late in your game, I enjoyed both your style and content, didn't always fully agree with you, but you wouldn't want that, and will miss 'No Shit Sherlock'.
Lastly, I grew up in small town which had my Province's worst serial pedophiles, hell maybe even the whole country...many of my friends were never ever the same...never. Most died way too young.
Their abusers? Alive and well.
The carnage? Festering its way through the generations.
Glad you're taking the time for yourself, makes sense to not let the hell that was visited upon your beautiful young soul to have any more power.