High praise from the rookery!
As I really appreciate your writing, ‘struggle to articulate’ is not one of the adages I’d use. In particular, I just enjoy your wicked wit…scathing at times but oh so deserved. I keep on thinking of Hamlet’s “Hoist on their own petards.”
My lament is that your argumentation may not reach an intended audience precisely because it is articulate and reasoned and nuanced: the antithesis to much of what I ‘read’ on twitter or facebook or even here on Medium.
It irks me to no end that ‘adults masquerading as Noble Knights’ fail to see that they and their costumes and scripts belong in a Hallowe’en haunted house on one night, and one night only, and most certainly not in any kind of writing, or journalism or on the university campus, where virtue signalling has made a mockery of scholastic integrity and debate.
Much of what you are railing against, thankfully, is not just akin to the blackening armour of the SJW-Woke Zealot but is also similar to the Roman Catholic Church’s use of Indulgences…buying a way out of purgatory if not hell for a slew of sins.
“Sorry my children, but the Church gets the farm. I needs to have a good sleep tonight…maybe my last…so it’s off to the orphanage for the lot of you.”
“But Papa dearest, couldn’t the Church at least wait until yer dead?”
So, who’s getting rich and powerful on this current desperate need for atonement?
Who’s leading this sorry virtue-signalling procession to salvation-on-earth?
Remember hearing Robert Bly, who was lecturing on his book ‘The Sibling Society’, saying something like this:
‘When we stopped our nomadic wanderings, our Shamans and Medicine Women, who were also our first psychologists, became our resident clergy. And many most certainly liked being fed and clothed and housed. There’s a lot of power living in the tallest building in the land.”
“So,” he continued, “If you’re looking for a reason we have left behind the vertical gaze, our veneration of elders and their wisdom, and are now, like nasty competitive sharp-elbowed siblings, busy looking at each other for value and prestige and validation…”
“…it’s because we have surrendered our logic and awe for this thing called ‘Life’ to the High Corporate Priests of Neverending Plenty: it’s the childish spiritual equivalent of keeping up with the Joneses.”
So, when I penned the Black Knight, I was thinking of so many of the Woke, and their enabling corporate sponsors, those who offer indulgences to those in desperate need, that they all would fail to notice how many people they were trampling underfoot as they merrily rode out to jump on the more comfy catapult-laden bandwagon, laying siege to reason.
What is so disturbing is that The Woke, our new self-appointed High Clergy with their costly robes, fail to see that they are offering me their equivalency of Holy Communion, thinking that I need to eat the body of their childish often inane dogmatic rants…and if I dare to refuse…why, I am of course blocked or cancelled, or in Latin: excommunicatus.
Thanks again.