Hello Kitty,
Nowhere in your otherwise most excellent piece is there mention of what is happening to men, who have I guess the privilege of being 98% of workplace deaths, being 80% of the homeless, having four times the suicide rate, and being 75% of accidental opioid crisis deaths.
In the US according to 2010 statistics: the incarceration rate for men is ten times that for women.
Here’s one recent study which run contrary to the myths surrounding spousal abuse in Canada from Simon Fraser University criminologist Alexandra Lysova:
It’s worthy of a very good read with some myth-destroying non-misandric empirical data: https://vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/douglas-todd-domestic-abuse-cuts-both-ways-and-differently-for-women-and-men
Perhaps a good look at this gem from Stats Canada:
Females less likely than males to be sentenced to custody for violent crimes
In 2015/2016, adult female offenders who received a guilty decision for violent crimes were almost half as likely as their male counterparts to receive a custodial sentence (22% versus 39%) (Chart 5). In relation to males, females were slightly more likely to receive a monetary fine (12% versus 10%) or another type of sentence (e.g., an absolute or conditional discharge, a suspended sentence or a community service order) (89%, versus 84% for males) (Chart 5).
see: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2019001/article/00001-eng.htm#a17
One gender should never get to decide who is suffering and who is worthy of compassion.
And, it was a Kay Ivey, a female, who was the Alabama governor signs nation’s most restrictive anti-abortion https://www.cnn.com › 2019/05/15 › politics › alabama-governor-signs-bill
Kay Ivey on Wednesday signed into law a controversial abortion bill that could punish … Alabama governor signs nation’s most restrictive anti-abortion bill into law. By Caroline Kelly, CNN. Updated 6:11 AM ET, Thu May 16, 2019 ….. we must always respect the authority of the U.S. Supreme Court even when we disagree ..
Equality should mean equality for all people: regardless of their gender.