Good story but I think hate is too harsh a word. I’d say she’s worthy of compassion.
I’d hazard a guess that she’s embarrassed by whatever failures she may have made during her life-changing event.
Sometimes the old social contacts, and their triggers, are just too onerous to circumvent and so a passive aggressiveness supersedes good manners.
Dr. Martin Brokenleg, a Lakota Elder, had this to say about approaching adulthood: One has to learn to both accept and give a compliment and one has to learn to both give and receive an apology.
I’d hazard a guess that she doesn’t know how to give you an apology and in her inability to see that you are not a negative part of her past, she has lost a compassionate, devoted and good friend.
Just a suggestion, you could dig a little deeper to find out exactly what led to the collapse of her marriage.
Did the husband involve you in any way be it fantasy or conjecture or comparison? Did he lie to her? And so you became the scapegoat in a classic case of projection or transference for the failure of her marriage: real or imagined.
Good read, thanks.