Good criticism accepted. Thanks Steven.
I’d like to think I was writing to those on both sides of the political spectrum who may have lost or forgotten the wisdom of great thinkers but still have a good dose of common sense.
Perhaps they are the reachable fringe. The Woke have in many ways their own level of puritanical condemning and absolutist dogma.
I doubt if I could though, even toning down my language, reach the Trumpies in your village. They are operating I’d wager under a siege mentality…as perhaps are we all.
However, if any dogma wishes to inculcate ignorance, it deserves to be vigorously questioned but as you infer, it should not be done using a insulting tone and arrogant wordy language.
That didn’t help Hillary Clinton, even though the quote was decontextualized, gain any votes among ‘the deplorables’.
However, I was also writing I thought in response to the tone of the author and especially for those people who will I hope, “…use metaphors, allegories, aphorisms…every trick of figurative language even satire because man do we ever need to lighten up.” (I am thinking of a 21st Century Will Rogers here.)
As an aside, I took as many comparative mythology courses that I could, still read avidly, and would willingly debate any Christian on his or her theology without hopefully insulting him or her…although as you pointed out I did come across as a Richard Dawkins.
Trouble is, most Christians, especially the Evangelicals, outside of the late Anglican Minister Tom Harpur, who wrote ‘The Pagan Christ’, would rather adhere to the idea that ‘God has a plan for you’ as found in Rick Warren’s ‘The Purpose Driven Life’.
BTW: ‘The Pagan Christ’ (2004) was Canada’s #1 best selling non-fiction book while at the same time ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ (2002) was America’s. Speaks volumes.