Daryl Wakeham
1 min readMay 14, 2019


Good article but I would also worry about an electoral process in some states which doesn’t have a paper trail but instead relies on a very vulnerable computer driven voting system. It’s interesting to see which swing states don’t have a paper trail. See: https://ballotpedia.org/Voting_methods_and_equipment_by_state

If and when Mueller sits before the House Judiciary Committee would be perhaps be the time that the public would be willing to accept impeachment. Even so, it would need a bombshell bigger than a payoff to porn stars, or billion dollar losses or covert meetings with Russian oligarchs to make a real impact.

However, the real problem for the US right now is stopping Trump from getting the war he needs to divert the populace from fully grasping his duplicitous avarice.

Just as the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, which almost all sane people realize were completely orchestrated, gave G.W. Bush his legitimacy, a war with Iran might do the same for Trump. In a time of war, anyone ’going after’ the commander-in-chief is branded as being unpatriotic or traitorous or both.

Of course the chilling recipe for this war will have to include an attack on American forces either in the Middle East or an attack on a domestic target.

I’d say that Congress had better train its eyes on what Bolton is doing for Trump as he’ll ignore the War Powers Resolution with just as much ease as he anything else coming from Congress.



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