Even to the point that Moses is depicted with horns, sculpted by Michelangelo no less.
Moses has horns!
Mistranslation from the Hebrew to the spoken Aramaic to the Greek and to the Latin...Moses should have had a halo.
Most if not all of both Testaments is meant to be viewed as allegory and not to be taken as literal divinely inspired truth.
In that respect, much of the New Testament is very similar to the Hadiths of the Koran: sayings and commentary attributed to the prophet Mohammad and his life.
Just as the Talmud is commentary on the Torah.
In the Torah and in the Old Testament, Yaweh, or Jehovah, is the anthropomorphic metaphor for all of mankind's worst character flaws:
He is jealous, violent, trap-setting, cursing, homicidal and genocidal, and when busy elsewhere, he commands others to satisfy His need for slaughter.
And this is the God that Netanyahu is using to both inspire his warriors and perhaps to assuage their guilt.
While we shoot children in the head, steal land and starve and bomb, we can sleep at night, secure in the knowledge that God is on our side.
And so think many US Evangelicals, willing to support a murderous regime in order to bring on the last world-destroying phase of Armageddon: The Rapture.
Perhaps Tom Robbins summed it up best, " Religion Is Not Merely the Opium of the Masses, It's the Cyanide."
Thanks for writing.