I have no problem with your writing, it's as impassioned as it is articulate.
And your loving knowledge of scripture as honourable and respectful as it is sagacious.
However, and it's a big however, it's the convenient omission of historical fact in order, I can only surmise, to be raptured blind by the emergence of a prophesied Israel, and therefore the promise of Armageddon, and that is worrisome.
If an obviously intelligent man like you can be manipulated by an avaricious if not duplicitous nation, intent upon the wholesale violent usurpation of an indigenous population, then I am as crestfallen as I am concerned for us all.
Lastly, have you read 'The Pagan Christ'? It's imperative: especially when juxtaposed with The Purpose Driven Life.
"The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light is a 2004 non-fiction book by Canadian writer Tom Harpur, a former Anglican priest, journalist and professor of Greek and New Testament at the University of Toronto, which supports the Christ myth theory."
IOW, the author is no lightweight.