Daryl Wakeham
3 min readJun 2, 2023



Therein lies the rub.

So, let's take a look at what has happened since gender equality feminism, for which I marched and lost wages during "illegal strikes" to protect women's right to choose, lost its way and became gender superior feminism.

Here's some stats to help you hopefully highlight some misconceptions, myths and obfuscations.

The primary one being that women in the West are still labouring under the overused evil 'patriarchy' circa 1965.

1. Teenage boys still kill themselves at a 4 to 1 ratio and that hasn't changed since the early 1970's...especially chilling since the vast majority of elementary school teachers are women: 95% in my Province.

You'd think with women in charge of the most important years in children's education, (boys are children, right?) that something would have changed.

Since I was in the education trenches from the late 70's until 2012, and know of which I speak, one of the lamentable foci was on the over-diagnosis of ADD/HD in male children and the drugging of boys to help girls with their learning. And put money into the pockets of the drug pushers.

2. In my Province of Canada, the suicide rate of men is still almost four times higher than women: men make up 74% of all our suicides. In the US? "Men died by suicide 3.90x more than women."

3. 74% of our opioid crisis deaths are men. 69% in the US.

4. 72% of our homeless are men (US: t's 61% for men and 39% for women)

5. Much of the funding for the homeless and shelters go to women first. Can you remember that last government which show cased a shelter for men?

6. High school graduation rates have fallen for boys for decades. "90 per cent for girls versus 78 per cent for boys."

7. Boys are not going to college or university. in Canada: "1.2 million women were enrolled in postsecondary institutions in Canada. This is compared to about 931,220 men."

8. And that's not even getting into how we manufacture killers like Columbine's Klebold and Harris, Sandy Hook's Adam Lanza or more recently in Canada, Nova Scotia's Gabriel Wortman...or the more recent slew of angry angry violent young men.

9. Now, Carol, if you reversed the above, and it was girls or women who were drugged in order to improve the performance of boys, if it were girls who were left helpless to kill themselves at staggering rates, or girls who remained undereducated, then surely there would be an outcry of enormous magnitude.

But not from non-egalitarian feminism, which seems for the most part, to be content to sit back and allow children (boys) to be irrevocably damaged because they are supposedly born with simplistic memes like 'toxic masculinity'?

No instead of helping boys, the focus seems to be on resurrecting superstitious madness and apply it to the incredible strides women have made in today's western world.

With of course the caveat, some in the Puritanical parts in the US would like to reverse those gains, which of course requires vigilance.

Things have changed for women in the West and rightfully so...it just shouldn't be at the expanse of our boys.

And is it any wonder that the right wing evangelicals, lamentably, we've got our share in Canada, who take the Old Testament as Divine, would heed Exodus 22:18-20: Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Thanks for reading.



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