Brilliant piece…an articulate, erudite look behind what many people are unwilling to admit: we are in a P.C. driven moral panic and as Stanley Cohen and later Marshall McLuhan opined, moral panics need ‘folk devils’ be they Germans needing Jews, or Southern Men needing Blacks, or McCarthy needing Communists, or overworked and guilty parents needing Satanic Day Care workers or, most recently, frustrated justice warriors needing privileged white people, old or male — or all three.
“Moral panics are often centered around people who are marginalized in society due to their race or ethnicity, class, sexuality, nationality, or religion. As such, a moral panic often draws on known stereotypes and reinforces them. It can also exacerbate the real and perceived differences and divisions between groups of people.
Moral panic is well known in the sociology of deviance and crime and is related to the labeling theory of deviance.” See:
Perhaps a bit more succinct from WIKI:
“the process of arousing social concern over an issue — usually the work of moral entrepreneurs and the mass media”.
Samuel’s right, we have so empowered victims, whether it’s because of their tribal, cultural, gender or even historical affiliations or suppressions, that their lofty social towers of puritanical innocence are beyond the reach of any accountability: and that’s not even getting into what Samuel has to say about the lack of accountability on the individual level.
Pity the irony in that many will dismiss what he has so cogently presented because he’s white or male.
Thanks for a such a good humanist read.