Daryl Wakeham
1 min readNov 13, 2022



The fact that you have not heard of the word is more than ample proof that you have been living in a non-egalitarian feminist echo chamber.

Try reading some academic scholastically sound egalitarian feminist writers as primers so you will no longer crave man-flesh and instead relish a side plate of elucidation.

At the very least, look at the years these books were published and wonder, whilst reading your menu, as to why their work is not common knowledge.

Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture: Nathanson, Paul, Katherine Young. 2006

Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination against Men. Katherine Young, Paul Nathanson. 2006

In Sanctifying Misandry, Katherine Young and Paul Nathanson challenge an influential version of modern goddess religion, one that undermines sexual equality and promotes hatred in the form of misandry - the sexist counterpart of misogyny. 2010

Replacing Misandry: A Revolutionary History of Men, the last one of their books is perhaps their best but alas is so politically incorrect that many will not heed its call. 2015

"In the first three volumes of this series, Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young challenge theories about patriarchy that ideological forms of feminism have promoted.

In this volume, they argue that we must replace those misandric theories with one that takes seriously the needs and problems of boys and men no less than those of girls and women; at the same time, they add, we must maintain the reforms that egalitarian forms of feminism have promoted."



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