A great English prof once said that all writing is biased. So too must it be said for 'The News'...
But, there is a time when too many methodologies mesh with events that even a grade 6 reader, raised on Harry Potter, can spot the deceits of a Voldemort, especially if its continuously echoed over and over again by those enablers who think that such sonic attacks can create a reality.
The Obama Birther conspiracy, the Fake News, the News is the Enemy of the People, Donald J. Trump is the victim, there was no Russian interference in the 2016 election, Donald J. Trump has been exonerated from impeachment, there were very fine people on both sides in Charlottesville, stand back and stand by Proud Boys.
And he saved his worst for his last, I will walk with you to the Capitol buildings and contest the stolen election that I won by a landslide.
And when all you 'special people' got out of control, I sent in the National Guard.
You get the picture.
So Trump came at a time when the disenfranchised, the abandoned, the people wandering in the wilderness, were howling out in desperate pain and fear, and instead of a healing leader, who answered his people's lamentations, the United States got a demagogue who opened his dark cloak and suffered the little children to come unto him.
I am surprised that no one uncovered that Trump was able to order his minions from a Pizza Parlour. But that would be fake news and that just adds to the drama, or does it?
There is difference between a drama and a tragedy.
In a drama, opposing sides in a family or nation are at each other's throats. Blows are about to land, blood will be shed. Irrational thoughts rule the diatribes and feed long standing feuds.
And just before civil war is about to erupt, a machine holding a Goddess or God, Deus ex Machina, descends to the stage and out steps the Deity, who stops the impending carnage using wisdom to turn chaos to cosmos.
"Whew," sighs the audience. "That was close."
In most tragedies, the land is sick, the kingdom is in chaos, a great sin, most always a murder or act of impulse, has loosened a plague upon the people and someone must atone.
Trump is a tragic figure, unwilling to atone and so the plague will continue if those who hung onto his coattails, hoping to inherit his kingdom, use the same methodologies as their Lear, the mad lying King on the heath.
And others will continue to die in Trump's stead...even after he's gone.
And that's why people like Getz and Cruz and Hawley are so dangerous, as dangerous as a King Maker like Mitch McConnell, a Trump supporter who did not allow 400 Bills, passed by Congress, to see the light of day.
And that is a tragedy in itself.